June 14, 2024 Update

In May and June, 2024, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) provided preliminary findings on Dunsmuir’s adopted housing element. In response to HCD’s input, Chapter 2, and Appendices A, B, and C have been revised. The below table summarizes the revisions made to the adopted housing element. To read or download the revised adopted Housing Element, please see the June 14, 2024 revised Housing Element (pdf).

Corrected Chapter or AppendixNotes-Comments
Chapter 2, pg. 2-11Program 4.2.1: As recommended by HCD, program was modified to include amending the current parking standards for emergency shelters in Dunsmuir’s Zoning Ordinance. The revised language commits the City to amending the Zoning such that parking for emergency shelters is required only for emergency shelter staff-employees. Implementation of this program would result in the removal of the current Zoning requirement that shelters provide 1 parking space for every 5 beds, as this requirement exceeds HCD’s guidance.
Chapter 2, pg. 2-12Program 4.2.2: As recommended by HCD, removed language and made revisions for group homes for more than 6 residents (regardless of licensing) for equal treatment as other residential uses in the same zone and subject only to the provisions that apply to other residential uses in the same zone.
Chapter 2, pg. 2-17Program HE.7.1.2: corrected references to Tables A-39 and A-40 of Appendix A that were incorrect.
Appendix A, pg. A-17Added an rough estimate as to the number housing units that need substantial rehabilitation and replacement as provided the City.
Appendix A, pgs. A-46 to A-50Added Section 7.2, an overview of Dunsmuir’s existing conditions based on local data and knowledge as part of the fair housing analysis. Local information and other relevant factors are now better incorporated into the fair housing analysis for better understanding of any local patterns or differences or lack of differences from neighborhood to neighborhood. This request stems from the fact Dunsmuir’s smaller population and that is part of a Census tract that extends far beyond the City limits. These conditions result in state and federal information being influenced by demographic information that is beyond the City limits.
Appendix A, pg. A-55To Strategy C of Table A-40, added a geographic target. As adopted, Strategy C outlines actions that aim to increase production of J/ADUs by property owners. A geographic target was added because generally Dunsmuir’s R-1 lots are located north of the downtown, and these R-1 lots tend to be larger. The additional geographic targeting does not change the Zoning allowances for J/ADUs whatsoever in other areas of the City.
Appendix B, pg. B-10 to B-11The narrative in Table B-5 has been updated to be consistent with the revisions to Program 4.2.2.
Appendix B, pg. B-15Updated discussion regarding existing emergency shelter parking standard that requires parking being provided for clients in addition to shelter employees being a constraint.
Appendix C, pg. C-12 to C-18Revised Table C-4, Dunsmuir’s Opportunity Sites, to recategorize several sites from lower income sites to moderate income sites because the site is less than 0.50 acres in size.

Although the adopted Housing Element was revised to address HCD’s preliminary findings and comments, the City has determined these revisions are non-substantive and are consistent with City Council Resolution 2024-04. Resolution 2024-04 provides for minor changes to the adopted Housing Element to address any non-substantive changes suggested or requested by HCD, and these changes do not require further review by the City Council.

Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element

The Dunsmuir City Council adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update at its April 18, 2024 meeting. On April 26, 2024, the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a mandatory 60-day review. A link to read and download the 2023-2031 Housing Element adopted by the Dunsmuir City Council on April 18, 2024 is below.

Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element Draft

On March 4, 2024, the City received a comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on the 2023-2031 Housing Element. The City reviewed these comments and updated the Housing Element in response. The Revised Hearing Draft can be accessed via the link listed below. The revisions are shown with track changes: Revisions are shown in strikeout and underline (NOTE: You will notice BLUE highlighting, and RED and GREEN strikethrough/underline text. BLUE highlighting and RED indicates deletion/addition of text; GREEN indicates movement of text from one location to another location within the document.)

On Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., in the Dunsmuir City Council Chambers, located at 5902 Dunsmuir Avenue, Dunsmuir, the Dunsmuir Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing. The purpose of the Public Hearing is for the Planning Commission to receive public testimony and provide direction on the 2023-2031 draft Housing Element, as amended to address HCD comments. The Planning Commission will recommend adoption, rejection, or adoption with modifications to the City Council prior to submittal to HCD. See the Public Hearing notices linked below for more details about the April 10 Public Hearing:

  • April 10, 2024 Planning Commission Public Hearing Notice (pdf)–(English) (Española)

For more information, please visit the City of Dunsmuir’s website at https://www.ci.dunsmuir.ca.us/planning-department, or call (530) 235-4822.

Don’t Miss the Public Meeting for Dunsmuir’s Housing Element, Thurs., Mar 28, 2024, 5:00 to 6:30pm!

On Thursday evening we’ll be sharing information and receiving feedback on the draft revisions to Dunsmuir’s Housing Element, with a focus on the changes to the Programs (Chapter 2) and the Fair Housing Action Plan (a portion of Appendix A). The revised draft documents can be read and downloaded below.

DRAFT Revised Housing Element Programs, Fair Housing Action Plan, and Public Meeting information:

Housing Element Revisions

On December 5, 2023, the City of Dunsmuir submitted the 2023-2031 draft Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a required 90-day review. The purpose of this review is for HCD to assess whether the housing element substantially complies with State housing law. All housing elements must undergo this review by the HCD.

In January 2024, HCD provided preliminary findings and comments to the City of Dunsmuir. In response to HCD’s input, Appendices A, B, and C have been revised. None of the current programs in Chapter 2 of the draft Housing Element have been modified or deleted; nor have any new programs been added to Chapter 2. In March and April 2024, the Planning Commission and City Council will hold public hearings to continue to discuss proposed programs updates prior to submittal to HCD.

The revised portions of Appendices A, B, and C and are shown with track changes: Revisions are shown in strikeout and underline (NOTE: You will notice RED and GREEN strikethrough/underline text – RED indicates deletion/addition of text; GREEN indicates movement of text from one location to another location within the document.

Revised Appendices A, B, and C can be read and downloaded by clicking the link below or on the City of Dunsmuir’s webpage.

HCD will issue their findings letter on or near March 5, 2024. The City will be able to again address HCD’s findings by revising the housing element further as needed to ensure it complies with State housing law. In March and April 2024, the Planning Commission and City Council will hold public hearings to discuss and consider the 2023-2031 Housing Element for adoption.

If you would like to be notified by email of the upcoming housing element public hearings, please email Wendy Perkins, Deputy City Clerk, wperkins@ci.dunsmuir.ca.us, and include “Housing Element Update” in the subject line.

Open House Event

The city of Dunsmuir hosted a Housing Element Open House on December 18. Please view the presentation document below.

For comments related to the presentation or Housing Element update please use the links below.

Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element

The City of Dunsmuir submitted a Draft Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on December 5, 2023, which can be accessed via the links below: 

  • Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element dated November 2023 (pdf)
  • Revised Draft 2023-2031 Housing Element – Tracked Changes dated November 2023 (pdf)

On September 18, 2023, Dunsmuir released the Draft 6th Cycle Housing Element. To read the full public notice and draft 6th Cycle Housing Element, please download below. 

  • Notice of Availability and October 11, 2023, Planning Commission Hearing (English)(Española)
  • Dunsmuir Housing Element September 2023 Draft (pdf)

You can also read Dunsmuir’s draft housing element on the City’s website:

You can also find the Planning Commission public hearing notice and find more information on these City’s news page:
