May 30, 2024 Update

On May 28, 2024, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) provided preliminary findings on Tulelake’s adopted housing element. In response to HCD’s May 28 input, Chapter 2, and Appendices A, B, and C have been revised. The below table summarizes the revisions made to the adopted housing element. To read or download the revised adopted Housing Element, please see the May 30, 2024 revised Housing Element (pdf).

Corrected Chapter or AppendixNotes-Comments
Ch 2, various pages.
Programs containing a “Timing” standard of “As part of the City’s Zoning Ordinance update which is planned to be adopted in Q4 2023” have been modified. More specifically, the “Timing” has been changed as follows:
Initiate amendments within one year from adoption of the 2023-2031 Housing Element and adopt amendments within two years from adoption of 2023-2031 Housing Element.”
See Programs 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, and 4.2.5.
Ch. 2,
pg. 13-14
As recommended by HCD, Program’s 4.2.3 existing actions were strengthened to include regular regional coordination and participation with stakeholders to improve living conditions for farmworkers; expanded property owner outreach to include nonprofit housing developers; and augmented the incentives to include supporting funding applications.
Ch. 2,
pg. 15-16
Language was removed and revisions were made to Program 4.2.5 for group homes for more than 6 residents (regardless of licensing). The revisions are for equal treatment of group homes as other residential uses in the same zone and subject only to the provisions that apply to other residential uses in the same zone. See Program 4.2.5.
Ch. 2,
pg. 18
Deletion of Program 5.1.3 because it is nearly identical to Program HE.4.2.3. This results in the renumbering of Programs 5.1.3 and 5.1.4.
Ch. 2,
pg. 21-22
Program 7.1.2: Corrected incorrect references to Tables A-37 and A-38 of Appendix A.
Appendix A, pg. A-63 to A-71Added numbers to the actions and programs in Table A-38, the City’s AFFH Action Plan. Then added the numbers to Table A-37, the column that says “Responding Programs”.
Appendix B, pg. B-10 to B-12The narrative in Table B-3 (see row 3) has been updated to align with the revisions to Program 4.2.5.
Appendix C, pg. C-14 to C-15Revised Table C-4 to recategorize opportunity sites that are less than 0.50 acres from the “lower income” category to the “moderate income category”.

Although the adopted Housing Element was revised to address HCD’s preliminary findings and comments, the City has determined these revisions are non-substantive and are consistent with City Council Resolution 24-03. Resolution 24-03 provides for minor changes to the adopted Housing Element to address any non-substantive changes suggested or requested by HCD, and these changes do not require further review by the City Council.

Adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element

The Tulelake City Council adopted the 2023-2031 Housing Element Update at its April 2, 2024 meeting. On April 11, 2024, the adopted 2023-2031 Housing Element was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a mandatory 60-day review. A link to read and download the 2023-2031 Housing Element adopted by the Tulelake City Council on April 2, 2024 is below.

Revised 2023-2031 Housing Element Draft

On January 31, 2024, the City received a comment letter from the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) on the 2023-2031 Housing Element. The City reviewed these comments and updated the Housing Element in response. The Revised Hearing Draft can be accessed via the link listed below. The revisions are shown with track changes: Revisions are shown in strikeout and underline (NOTE: You will notice BLUE highlighting, and RED and GREEN strikethrough/underline text. BLUE highlighting and RED indicates deletion/addition of text; GREEN indicates movement of text from one location to another location within the document.)

On April 2, 2024, at 5:30 pm, in the Tulelake City Council Chambers located at 591 Main Street, Tulelake, the Tulelake City Council will hold a Public Hearing. The purpose of the public hearing is to receive public testimony, provide direction, and consider readoption of the 2023-2031 Housing Element, as amended to address HCD comments. The City Council will consider whether the amended element be adopted, rejected, or adopted with additional modifications prior to its submittal to HCD. See the Public Hearing notices linked below for more details about the April 2, 2024, Public Hearing:

For more information, please visit the City of Tulelake’s website,, or call City Hall at 530-667-5522.

Tulelake Housing Element Submitted to HCD!

On November 2, 2023, the City of Tulelake submitted the 2023-2031 Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for a required 90-day review. The purpose of this review is for HCD to assess whether the housing element substantially complies with State housing law. All housing elements must undergo this review by the HCD. 

In December 2023, HCD provided preliminary findings and comments to the City of Tulelake. In response to HCD’s input, Chapter 2 and Appendix B have been revised. No other chapters or appendices have been revised at this time.   

The revised portions of these appendices are shown with track changes: revisions are shown in strikeout and underline (NOTE: You will notice RED and GREEN strikethrough/underline text – RED indicates deletion/addition of text; GREEN indicates movement of text from one location to another location within the document. 

HCD will issue their findings letter on or near January 31, 2024. The City will be able to again address HCD’s findings by revising the housing element further as needed to ensure it complies with State housing law. 

Revised Chapter 2 and Appendix B can be read and downloaded here: 

Full copies of the housing element submitted on November 1, are available here:

  • Tulelake Housing Element Track Changes Version (pdf
  • Tulelake Housing Element Clean Version (pdf)
The Review Draft of the 2023-2031 Tulelake Housing Element is available now!

This notice advises members of the public that the City’s draft 2023-2031 Housing Element is available for public review and comment prior to its submission to HCD for State-level review and comments. The 30-day Public Review and Comment Period begins September 15, 2023 has been extended through to October 17, 2023, at 5 P.M. To read the full notice please download below.
